Agri Financing

Agriculture sector has continued to play a significant role by providing the largest share of employment in the country. Growth in Agriculture and allied sectors along with agriculture raw material based micro and small industry or enterprise are typically found to be the primary drivers of poverty reduction due mainly to its greater contribution in employment opportunities. SBAC Bank Ltd is playing a significant role in this tune through extending credit facilities in Agriculture Sectors like Fishery, Dairy, Beef Fattening, Poultry, etc. for individuals & groups at the micro level vide Agriculture and Rural Credit Policy and Program for the Year 2022-2023 of Bangladesh Bank.

In addition, we are extending credit facilities under:

  • Concession interest rate @ 4% p.a. for cultivating Import Alternate Crops [আমদানী বিকল্প ফসল (ডাল, তেলবীজ, মসলা জাতীয় ফসল ও ভুট্টা) চাষে ভর্তুকি সুবিধার আওতায় ৪% রেয়াতী সুদ হারে কৃষি ঋণ বিতরণ]

  • Refinance Scheme for Agriculture sector ensuring food safety vide Bangladesh Bank ACD Circular no. 7 dated 17.11.2022 (দেশের খাদ্য নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার লক্ষ্যে কৃষি খাতের জন্য ৫,০০০ (পাঁচ হাজার) কোটি টাকার পুনঃঅর্থায়ন স্কিম)